Software Engineer Wellness Initiative

Do you want to improve your rest and fall asleep faster?

Then you've come to the right place.

In the fast-paced world, quality sleep often takes a back seat. That's why we created the Hack to Sleep ASMR Project — a cozy place designed to help you unwind, relax, and sleep properly.

THE MISSION: a well-rested mind is a productive one

Hack to Sleep was born out of a desire to support the well-being of software engineers and tech enthusiasts. Our goal is to foster a community that prioritizes mental health and wellness, recognizing that a well-rested mind is productive. We believe that by combining the familiar sounds of technology with proven relaxation techniques, we can help our community achieve better sleep and a healthier lifestyle.


Tech ASMR Soundtrack

At the heart of Hack to Sleep is our unique Tech ASMR Soundtrack, which blends soothing sounds with nostalgic computer noises to help you fall asleep or relax before bed. Right here on this page, you can listen to the track using our embedded player.

Beyond ASMR: Rethink Your Habits

While our Tech ASMR Soundtrack is a great start, achieving quality sleep requires a holistic approach. Consider incorporating physical activity, a balanced diet, and relaxation techniques such as walking, reading, or meditation into your routine.

Innovecsers' Sleep Stories

Read about the personal experiences of our very own innovecsers and their journeys toward better sleep. Discover their stories and get inspired on our blog.

Join the SMM Challenge

Print and use our habits tracker poster to monitor your well-being routine. Share your progress on social media with the #HackToSleepChallenge hashtag for a chance to win. We'll be giving away digital or audiobooks about the nature of sleep to three lucky winners.


The gentle hum of computer fans, the rhythmic tapping of keys, and the low buzz of processors can transport you back to simpler times, helping to ease anxiety and promote relaxation.

Right here on this page, you can listen to the track using our embedded player.

Prefer to take it with you?

You can also find and save the track on Spotify and Apple Podcasts. Click below to start your journey to better sleep.

Download Our PDF Habits Tracker

To help you on your journey, we’ve created a PDF poster to download, print, and use as a habits tracker. This tool is designed to help you rethink and reorganize your daily routine for optimal well-being and sleep.

Thank you for being a part of our community.

Sleep well, dream big.



This project and its contents should not be construed as medical or psychological advice. Always consult your doctor or a qualified healthcare provider if you have any doubts or concerns about your health or sleep patterns.
